Ashley and Jake had a great mini session with their two dogs, Olive and Pepper. They recently celebrated their first wedding anniversary, and it was awesome to talk to another couple our age that loves traveling to Maine, where Chad and I recently got married. We also related to the (good) struggle of having two dogs and the impossible task of getting them to pose for photos. Olive is their white pup. She was so funny when she hid between Jake’s legs when my camera shutter went off. But after a few sweet treats everyone everyone settled down and we got some great shots!

Posing your dogs can definitely be a challenge for pictures, but these 3 tips you can help tremendously:

1 exercise them before your session

2 practice basis sit and come commands

3 bring their favorite treats to keep them focused and well-behaved


Sessions should be about a celebration. I loved being a part of Ashley and Jake’s celebration of family and a year of marriage! Thanks you two, you’re awesome!

the raymonds